Originally Posted by Trollheart
To be serious for a moment, and while I respect everyone's right to like or dislike who they want to, I have never ever met a single person that had anything bad to say about Jansz, so would like to ask if possible if YorkeDaddy could elaborate on why he's now on the "dislike" list?
Forward to Death is probably the worst person I've ever met on the internet. If she's actively trying to be a troll then good for her I guess because she is superlative at it.
Janszoon's personality doesn't fit with mine. A lot of his posts are dry one liners or sarcastic remarks that make me groan. The man runs me into the ground with his music knowledge and is amongst the smartest people here, but we just aren't compatible to be good friends from what I've seen. It's perfectly possible and reasonable to just be rubbed the wrong way by somebody. I have nothing against or anything else to say about him than that. I suppose saying that I entirely dislike him is inaccurate, I just put him there to keep my list/ranking of people together in three uniform categories.