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Thread: Ukraine Riots
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Old 02-27-2014, 03:29 AM   #7 (permalink)
watching the wheels
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Finland
Posts: 470

Putin is a dictator. Some people I know via internet, Russians, have been jailed because they protested against him peacefully. The problem is, Russian's history is filled with dictators and so they really always need a strong leader, for they have always had one.
And every good kind of dictator wants to possess and boss his neighbors.

And when Putin's friend was kicked out, he went angry. The biggest mistake the ex-government of Ukraine did was when they started to use violence against the protesters. Hopefully Russians calm down and more importantly, none of the western countries do anything. It could become very large conflict if they did.

Edit. And Ukraine won't be joining. EU has too many problems even without yet another country that's in a need of curing so they will not take any more countries that are so unstable.
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