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Old 08-01-2004, 10:52 PM   #195 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 12

Originally Posted by SPLADOW!
John Kerry:

-I was in Vietnam for a whopping 4 months...

-Anulled a 14 year marriage...
Bush- Pussy who joins reserve and then skips out on training excercises

-Vote for something, then vote against it, vote for something, vote against it...
I expect this from someone who does not know much about government. See, when a bill is being passed there are MANY parts. So, a bill might be formed to give $$ to the soldiers. Great idea in concept, then the republicans will make a modification that says this $$ needs to come from social security or education. NOT so good an idea anymore. How to get rid of this? Vote against the WHOLE bill! So your flip flops you speak of are what most politicians must do, sacrifice the heart of some things [like soldier aid] because of small little things like the welfare of out nation.

Oh, and BTW, Bush wants to take billions away from the VA.
In other words: Thanks for fighting my war and getting injured! BTW, you have no more benefits through Veterans Affairs anymore!

-MY wife, or basically my sugarmomma is worth billions, yet you still say Bush is a money whore, muhahaha...
Mmmm ok? Ever heard of a prenupt? Kerry himself is not worth a billion, his wife is through investments.

-I Voted against national security funding and military funding numerous times, yet ol Edwards yelped about destroying terrorists, yea.... thats just what we need, take away money from national security and the military, that'll get those terrorists..
Just read above, Kerry is in support of the war now that we are there. Once its started you cant 'just leave.' But he is against taking all of US $$ and throwing it at Iraq. Read above, Bush is taking away health benefits of soldiers.

-I have ideals for strengthing our Homeland Security, but I'm gonna take money from it, hows that going to strengthen it?
Do we need $30 billion for national security? Rather than throw $100 billion at Iraq, use that money to get enough workers at airports? Do you know how many people guard the airport perimeters? Usually two on a shift... and thats a stretch of up to 50 miles....

-I'm is a pacifist pussy.

-I said at the Vietnam hearings "We can't just be going around trying to spred democracy everywhere" So, Live under a Dictator? Want help? Well your not getting any from me, cause I wanna raise taxes and give more money to medicade so ol' man river can by his medication for %15 cheaper, and try to focus on making the economy improve, then have it fall again 8 years later, since thats a standard pattern that people don't seem to notice... but since I'm ****ing you over, Mr. Thirdworld, people will look back and say "He was a good president, look at what he did to the economy" Cause I've got 5 homes worth over a total of 60 million dollars, not to metion the 17 million dollar vacation home in Italy I sold last year
Many countries do fine under a dictator. Democracy/Republicanism is not for every country. AND you meant medicare, not medicade, I believe. Are you saying the medicine prices are not high? My mom's diabetes medicine sure as hell is like an arm and a leg, which she NEEDS to live. So, yeah, ol man river... And I would rather pay 2% more in taxes than have the richest 2% get 10% tax cuts and divident tax cuts which will throw our country from surplus into debt.

-Oh, did I mention that while I was a private through out all 4 months of my military service, I won 3 purple hearts! Shrapnel wounds? Nah, Missing leg? Ho,ho, no..., But I did pull a guy out of a river back into the boat, and got shot in my leg and ass while relaying messages for me ol' Sarge!
So my dad was in Vietnam, you know one of the most dangerous positions? Other than an officer due to the nice shiny star they had on their helmet... it was a radio man. Why? Because take out the armies communications and you can rip em apart. The N.Vietnamese tactics have this in them, pretty much states "aim for shiny star and/or radio man next to him."

And I guess pulling a guy to safety from drowning was bad. And is it his fault the enemy had bad aim? HE GOT SHOT. More than GW sacrificed for his country...

-I'm an ugly, ugly son of a bitch.

Just laying it out there, don't respond, just read it, and then continue.
AND GW isnt ugly? hahahha

And you lay it out there, prepare for it to get chopped up.
Join the Revolution!
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