Originally Posted by Trollheart
She's doing it to me again, and me only after recovering from sickness.... (runs sweaty finger inside collar) ---- you little tease you! Next you'll be offering to kidge me too!  (I know, I know! "j,u" so close to "k,i" on the keypad and you're using your phone, but you just invented a new word, you know...)
To be serious for a moment, and while I respect everyone's right to like or dislike who they want to, I have never ever met a single person that had anything bad to say about Jansz, so would like to ask if possible if YorkeDaddy could elaborate on why he's now on the "dislike" list? I know you don't have to explain, but it seems very unjustified and I know you're an intelligent guy, so I wonder is it possible he did something to offend you without realising it?
I'm also not sure why Forward to Death is getting such stick? I have little to no interaction with her but I have not heard her getting into fights with people, talking crap or going out of her way to be awkward or abrasive. Seems ok to me. Still as they say that's all in the eye of the one what beholds. But I do see a few people ragging on her and I start to wonder why?
I agree with Jess though (hold the front page!) that if you say you don't like people (or do, but mostly the former) they deserve some sort of basic explanation as to why. I know if someone came on here and said they disliked me I'd want to know what I had done to earn that dislike --- other than, as butthead says, swimmin' in a sea of glory...
I know you are going to feel like I'm having a go at you but I just wanted to respond to a few things. This is a public forum.
Jans rubs people the wrong way and it doesn't need explaining at all whatsoever. There was a point in time when I didn't care for Jans much either but he's on my neutral list now.
You don't hang around the sports section for american sports so you haven't seen the arguments that Forward to Death has gotten into and why people feel the way they do about her. It's all self explainitory in that section of the forum that you don't really frequent unless it's the soccer thread. Ooops footy whatever yous call it.
You can irrationally or rationally hate someone and you don't owe them any explanation as to why you feel that way. You just do and that's the end of it.