@Black Francis Thanks for the info about that FF.
Dark Souls sounds interesting, I enjoy the adventure in games, yes. Tutorials aren't this necessary after the first 3 minutes

If I can get that game, I'll check it out for sure. In 3 Months I'll have enough time probably to get into a totally new game.
MK7 = Mario Kart 7, AC = Animal Crossing (New Leaf)
MTO = Mario Tennis Open, HM = Harvest Moon (just the Tale of Two Towns, sadly)
and MH = Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (still need to get into it) and Pokémon Y.
Oh and I forgot to mention KiU = Kid Icarus Uprising.
Yeah, Bravely Default... got that recommended. I'll try to get used copy.
I heard it's similar to Rune Factory. I loved that game, so I may like Bravely Default.
Zelda - my sister loves it. She'll be playing it instead of me. ;3
About the difficulty levels... I usually try to play games on normal level first as well. Especially if I don't know the franchise.
Then again, I try to improve and well - sometimes I just stop there. Happend with KiU. I need to play it more again, that's for sure.