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Old 02-20-2014, 04:08 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Wow I'm kind of surprised of there hasn't been more responses to this...

The video game industry is HUGE nowadays. My best friend is studying to be a game designer (code), and a few months ago he got an internship working for Microsoft, and the internship is fully covered and approved by the college. I'm studying right now to be a writer with the hopes that I can be a game writer one day and work for Capcom (if you couldn't tell by my avatar), though I'm not Japanese so that probably won't happen.

I still remember the days when I used to go to Blockbuster (a (now-bankrupt) video store, and video stores themselves are now an archaic business as well!) to rent video games. Now you don't even need a physical medium to play the games, you can just download them!
Originally Posted by Black Francis View Post
i personally want to talk about how the level of difficulty of games has become way too merciful and how everything is over explained over and over and in some games you can't skip the explanation so if you die you have to listen to it all over again

See, games didn't used to be like that back in the nintendo days games didn't explain sh*t and to top it off the games were hard as hell BUT~

Within their limitation is their ingenuity game designers found a way to explain everything to you not through words but rather by instinct this vid should explain what i mean
As far as the difficulty of video games...well I was born in 1993 and I've never even held an NES controller in my hands before, so I can't really comment on the difficulty of NES games. I've never beaten Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64, and I don't think I've ever played a game since then that's more difficult. I don't understand how anybody could have the time and patience to complete that game.
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