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Old 02-16-2014, 08:58 AM   #122 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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First, thank you anonymous dumpster. What a lovely thing to say. And I needed that, having once again spent 12 hours straight at the hospital, sitting in a hard chair with no sleep and very little food. Certainly brightened up a crappy day. Love back to you.

Second, I concur with all the outrage over BD's insulting lovedump. IF --- and only if --- it was meant as a joke, it would have to be between her and them, and be seen as such. It obviously wasn't. It seemed serious. So yes, let's track down the person responsible and beat the cra -- I mean, show them the error of their ways in an enlightened twenty-first century --- ah hell with that! Who's got jumpleads and oil to conduct the electricity? Yeah I watched "24": what about it? That guy had some good ideas about interrogation methods!

Seriously, BD ignore what was said: the total reverse is true and everyone here knows it. Whoever that is can just go fuck themselves, as with an attitude like that and manners like that it's the only fucking they're likely to ever get! We're all here to defend you, as I'm sure you know.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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