Originally Posted by Yac
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger was surprisingly good, I agree! CoJ 2, it was fun too. CoJ3 I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole and CoJ1 has aged a bit and it's not that fun anymore.
Batlord - Hellmarch as well as I believe all of Red alerts music was composed by one Frank Klepacki, I remember re discovering his music a while ago (having played red alert when it came out) and it's just great.
Like I said, it was a really pretty game, and apparently one of the earliest games to use DirectX 10, but I just had a tough time playing both characters. I'd say it was probably the best western game till
Red Dead Redemption came along. I can't wait until that's released for PC.
Originally Posted by Sequoioideae
I've jumped a few times so far, mostly at randomly encountering a hybrid. I put off playing this for a long time because of some graphics issues I was having trying to get this to run, it's running pretty much perfectly now.
Yeah, when
System Shock came out on GOG last year I played for about 8 hours until I got to a part where I didn't have the necessary skills to go forward and nothing I could do to reallocate my skill points. Definitely a great game for atmosphere and horror, but honestly I don't know if it's a game I'll go back to any time soon. If it got a
Black Mesa style remake I might give it another go, but there are just some really outdated mechanics that I have a hard time looking past.
Anyways. Yesterday the second episode of
The Wolf Among Us came out... and holy crap is it dark. It was also a little frustrating because it always makes you feel like you're playing catch up before the next horrible thing happens. Ultimately though I am really looking forward to the next episode, but it does share a problem I had with episode 1 of
The Walking Dead: Season 2 with it ending really abruptly. That could just be that the story and pacing reels you in that you're not even thinking about the ending, but because this is a kind of middle part of the story, it feels a little... meandering, like we didn't really accomplish anything.