Originally Posted by Trillian
Yup, if I find myself immediately liking a song I'm wary. Mostly because those songs don't really have much to offer on repeated listens, so they sound good at first, but get old really quick.
Yeah that doesn't happen with me at all. When I find a song I really like. I will replay it and burn through it until I am sick of it but it doesn't mean I don't like it anymore or have grown wary. I just reach a point where I am satisfied with the song and no longer feel the need to constantly repeat it.
As for the overall topic of growers, I don't think there are albums that grow on me. If I don't like an album for a specific reason then I won't try to torture myself by replaying it until I break down and finally start liking it. That's exactly what it sounds like you guys are doing.
If I don't like the way that an album starts out I will stick it out and make sure that I listen to the whole think because I tend to end up finding tracks that are gems hiding in the rough later on or I find something about a track that sounds pleasing to my ears.