Technically this should be in the What Are You Listening to Now thread, but the meat of this post belongs here.
This **** brings back serious memories of battles past. I remember raising massive armies in the hundreds (not joking) of conscripts and sending them, one task force at a time (they could only hold fifty or a hundred or something units), into enemy bases to be slaughtered like cattle. This was best done in the Arctic Circle map, where you could cut bridges to leave all of the enemy bases isolated on their own ****ty little islands, leaving you to capture the twelve oil refineries, giving you an unlimited income. I would then spend the next thirty or so minutes building my army of between two and five hundred conscripts and march them directly, without any kind of armor or heavy infantry support, into the fire of the Tesla towers, pillboxes, prism towers, and grand cannons.
One by one my armies would shatter themselves upon the defenders, only to be replaced by yet another horde of faceless, nameless peons. They would die on the bridges as they were destroyed, to fall into the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean, or were cut off from their comrades on the wrong side of the bridge until an engineer could be brought up to repair it. But it didn't matter. My forces were such that no amount of bravery on the part of my enemies could ever prevail against me. One by one, over a period of many hours, they would be ground into dust by the cruel, pitiless wheels of my inhuman war machine.
You might ask yourself why I would take such time and effort for such a silly thing. It was simple. It was not my men's victory that pleased me, but the glorious carnage of their deaths. ****eth not with the Batlord, lest the Batlord ****eth with thee.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.