Music Banter - View Single Post - Do you subscribe to the "grower" school of thought?
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Old 02-02-2014, 12:46 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Do you subscribe to the "grower" school of thought?

I don't mean are you into gardening! A lot of people, particularly here, seem to be happy to listen to an album multiple times before they decide if they like it. Such an album is referred here to as a "grower", presumably because it eventually grows on you. But I've more music backed up on my computer than I could ever realistically listen to in a lifetime (which doesn't stop me downloading more nearly every day!) and don't have time to let albums grow on me. Personally, if I don't hear at least some promise in an album first time out I'll usually drop it. Whether or not my opinion would change after several spins is not something I have the time or patience for: albums have one chance to impress me and that's it.

So how do you feel? If you're a believer in the grower theory, how long does it take or how many spins before an album is or isn't pronounced worthy by you? And is this a constant thing, spinning back to back or every day say, or do you put it away, come back to it, put it away, come back to it and so on?

Just interested. How do yaz all feel about this?
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