Originally Posted by Vanilla
Does my avatar make me look fat?
Nothing could make you look fat...
Originally Posted by Engine
No, he meant to say dad jokes. See here for clarification..
Urban Dictionary: Dad Joke
Urban Dictionary: Dads Joke
As for the rest, you don't need to defend yourself, weird uncle, we've come to accept it. But James is spot on.
see below for dad jokes
   <--- laughing at one's own jokes is also a dad thing
Consider me educated. Well I'm not a dad but I'm certainly old enough to be one. As for laughing at my own jokes, well if I don't who will?

Also, I like laughing. Laughing/humour is like music in my life: essential.
Originally Posted by butthead aka 216
trollhearts style of humor is hilarious. as is big3s. i have his style on another forum. i respect all forms of humor and see where each person is tryin to go with their own unique styles and its great. humor is the key to happiness in life.
Thank you bro. I also think Big 3's humour is spot-on, almost (but not quite) Urbanesque...
Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner
I don't think you're the least bit funny.
I think that's hilarious!