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Old 01-27-2014, 09:41 AM   #556 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 8

Dear Techno listeners,

Last week I've been to a party, and it was a kick ass party. and I heard some songs there that I can't find I was to busy partying to that awesome music I forgot to ask the DJ or to activate Shazam. So my question to you guys is to help me find these style of songs.

I was aware to techno, but I only listened songs from Disclosure. and the only songs that came a bit close to the songs I heard were White Noise and When a fire starts to burn (I wanted to put them into nice little links, but the forum doesn't let me because I don't have 15 posts yet ). And then don't listen to the vocals but to the raw sound on the back ground. and it was a underground party so it was much more dirty and probably not very famous artists.

So I am looking for this raw and dirty techno that sound that you hear after the intro that I can't really explain it, but you might feel it for example at 02:30 at when a fire starts to burn that kind of sound. Like you start tripping on the music, just on that beat.

Well I hope I gave you all enough information and you feel what I mean. So to the makers of this good music


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