Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle
I can decipher your message through your poor grammar and spelling. And I know how to make myself feel better. The way I feel is always up to me, really. I always, usually unintentionally, I can't help it, make myself feel weird about things, but also snap out of it. I don't suffer from chronic depression or anything. And usually those feelings don't stem from depression at all. Sometimes I just feel like Billy Corgan.
I never really open up to my friends that much, but I do a lot more lately.
well i dont wanna sound like theres somethin wrong with feelin sad or depressed or whatever. ppl dont understand im not trollin, i want others to be motivated. im just tryin to be positive here and tell ya that yah, its a rough time rite now but as long as you keep doin all the rite things, glory will come. i have gone thru so many periods of sadness or depression but a sick part of me welcomes it. cause i feel like a panther waitin to pounce. doin all the rite things with no immediate reward or gratification gives me a sick smile now cause i know glory will be comin if i wait it out long enough. and it always has
but to do all the rite things thru adversity and tough times you need fuel. you need a chip n ur shoulder. mine is my father. the thought of throwin my success back in his face some day just constantly motivates me. when i think of failin i think of him and the smirk he would get learnin i failed. and i cant let him win. theres my fuel so find urs.
got a little ranty there but u get what im sayin