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Old 01-25-2014, 09:51 PM   #276 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
too many people assume mental illness is a test of will. It's absurd. Looking to validate yourself and assume those suffering just need to think positive, because we all have the same exact brain chemistry.

I used to think that way too before, wellp
I struggle every day with bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, social anxiety, and depression. I know that if I ever relapsed (recovering from anorexia/ED-NOS) into my ED it would be my last. I haven't relapsed in almost a year now.

I realize that I'm sick, and that I'll be sick for the rest of my life.

I realize that there may come a day when my sickness might take me way, way down (it has before) but I have so much trust riding on the people and things in my life that I try not to think of that. I know in the right moment, under the worst circumstances, that I'd be capable of taking my own life.

But for now I'm alive.

For now I manage to get out of bed every day, and get to work on time. I delight in the things that make me happy, and I cry when I'm sad. I let myself feel everything I need to.

But some people aren't that lucky.
You and I,
We were born to die.
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