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Old 01-25-2014, 11:22 AM   #11 (permalink)
Gavin B.
Model Worker
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Oh that'd really suit you. wouldn't it? Return the planet to the trees. How selfish! We NEED your people to make our paper so that we can manufacture our magazines and read about our favourite celebrities! How else do you think we're going to know who's hot and who's not, and who's dumping who for who? Honestly! The self--centredness of some people!
I recently interviewed a tree and he told me all the trees in the forest fight over who's going to become a celebrity magazine after a lumberjack cuts them down. A lot of male trees want to become hard core porno books after they're cut down while lady trees want to be Vogue magazine or a romance novel.
There are two types of music: the first type is the blues and the second type is all the other stuff.
Townes Van Zandt
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