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Old 01-23-2014, 10:16 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Gavin B: you´re one of the posters I most admire here, and I like how you help to keep the Country/Folk/World forum alive. In fact you are so well-informed that I assume you´re a music journalist or something - or I would´ve sent you a friendship request by now.

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
Well name names, this is the Spill Your Guts thread, not the Make Vague References To Your Guts thread.
^ another gem of Urban´s sharp humour. Presumably to his disappointment, and that of any other scandal-hunter, I have pretty positive feelings for everyone here. To many, I´ve made clear elsewhere how much I like or respect them, so this post is about people I don´t interact with much:-

Plankton and Bob- both seem to be sensible guys who demonstrate that it´s possible to approach middle age and still be super-cool.

Paul Smenus- put something very interesting in the Landmarks thread a while ago. Comes across as very good-natured, but I suspect our musical tastes don´t overlap much.

RoxyRollah- got a real shock when I saw her pic for the first time recently. She looked so demur and serious while her posts give the opposite impression.

butthead- I enjoy his posts because of his writing style, which conveys very well his attitude that nothing in MB is going to worry him much.

Neapolitan- have respected for a long time his calm, impartial contributions.

My biggest grumble: I don´t like it much when people use knowledge as a way to exclude the ignorant and I feel that people do that occasionally here; they post a photo without a title or they use a Christian name as if everyone will know who they are refering to. So please spare a thought -or a word of explanation- for the people who are hopelessly out of the loop.
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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