i saw The Wolf of Wall Street a week or so ago....and pretty much agree with everything Exoskeletal....esp in regard of DiCaprio and Hill....LOVE the scene where they smoke crack
i have to say that for a 3 hour movie that is almost all nothing but drugs and sex....it went quickly and very much held my interest
when i saw it last Wednesday iw as wierd cause the theater was quite full for a 1130am showing on a week day....and seriously i was only person there that was under 60....having already known that this fill was basically a well filmed sex romp fulled by cocaine ....i was looking around at the crowd and wondering "i wonder how long it will take before someone walks out?...probably the first time they show him snorting coke out of a hookers ass"....the answer is 4 left a little less than 5 minutes into the film right after he snorted coke out a of a hookers ass.....and it just went downhill from there