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Old 01-12-2014, 09:49 PM   #3079 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: freely swimmin thru the waters of glory much like a majestic bald eagle soars thru the skies
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post

Butthead aka 216: Adds a real sense of fun to the forum, though his avatar perfectly complements his writing style: I always feel he's in a rush to say what he has to say! Rubs some people up the wrong way, and some think I like him because he blows sunshine up my skirt apparently. Not true. I think he's almost what HHBH could have been without the hatred, the intolerance, the anger, the sarcasm, the .... Winner of the most awards and nominations in 2013, so that must say something! Also love the way he refuses to rise to Sansa's bait. Apparently.

well thanks trollheart. i have always denied her bait but now i know i cant report it or face ban so ive learned my lesson. thanks for the kind words

Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post

You don't hang out in plug so you don't see Paul's anger towards butthead but then again you don't need to hang around plug because he shows it everyone. Lounge threads , shoutbox it doesn't matter. He just doesn't like him and rages on him ALL THE TIME. He also likes being called Smeenus and it doesn't bother him as much as you think it does. It is in no way rude. You just don't know Paul as well as you think you do.

He's repeating stuff because he wants to? Why do you care so much? He is not going to get banned for challenging his previous ban. Everyone doesn't exist to just be liked by the masses. 216 blows rainbows up your butt so he probably cares if you like him or not but he shouldn't. He should just be himself and so what if certain people like or don't like him.
youre right. smeenus always rages. he always makes jokes just randomly in topics about me but it aint a big deal to me. just funny that im the bad guy and ive never said a bad thing about the guy other than he has anger issues which is true lol. also i am not challengin the ban i just find it kinda ironic and doesnt really make sense. but its over with and we can move on

big3 - cool guy who ive seen in plug a lot lately, i enjoy his style even if hes hatin on me
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