Yeah that's it. Assuming you three aren't just yankin' my chain (Vanilla you can yank it any time you want!

) the thread is about the feeling you get when something happens, how it makes you feel. Came about when we left the hospital for the fourth effing time in a week. I felt bad looking at all the others still there, some of whose stories I had come to know a little, but still delighted we were going home. So it's a sort of guilty yet happy feeling you get when that happens. And I got to thinking, what other sort of events make me feel a certain way?
And that, my friends, is Explanation of Thread 101 as dictated by Trollheart.
Not sure why some of you didn't get it? You only have to look back at the posts to see the point...? Oh well, now you know.
That Feeling When people question the validity of your thread...
This has been a presentation of Trollheart's Useless And Unnecessary Posts MMIV. A limited company. Very limited.
Okay okay! One guy in a shed.
Oh you just won't stop will you? Ok, there is no shed. Or guy.
Damn IT! ALL RIGHT! It's a garden gnome with a tuxedo painted on. Happy now? Hmph!