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Old 01-12-2014, 05:19 AM   #3063 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Butthead I love ya man but what are you doing? You're baiting people again and pretty much saying the same things over and over that you have already. Can you just stop trying to get banned? Cos they'll do it you know, and you won't be able to blame them this time. Points: telling neo he has a personality disorder. Not cool. Ban material.Paul, again with the anger issues. I haven't ever been in plug (don't have any interest in it never mind the time) but you seem to be basing all your impressions of people on how they act there, and not here. I've never seen Paul angry, so why do you keep insisting he has anger issues? To make him angry? Also, calling him by his surname (even if it is madeup) is rude. He's the only Paul here, cant you call him that? Sounds like more baiting to me.Urban is one of the longest standing members here AND a mod so he will ban your ass good if you start telling him he has a problem. IF he even listens to you. But word to the wise: don't piss him off!Exo and JD: yeah you've said it before. Why are you repeating it? So Vanilla banned you? Yeah we know and we missed you but you're on your way to another ban right away by challenging that. If she banned you it was for a good reason so you have no cause to be uncool with her. She was just doing her job.Really, are you just trying to get under people's skins? A lot of people like you here but you seem to just want to rub everyone (or some) up the wrong way. You're making it very hard for people to like you man. And I do like you. But you need to get control of yourself or you'll find yourself out again pretty quickly, I can predict.Just cool down and stop pushing people's buttons. It gets you nowhere except another ban.Peace.
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