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Old 01-12-2014, 04:59 AM   #3062 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: freely swimmin thru the waters of glory much like a majestic bald eagle soars thru the skies
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u mad im back brahs

neo - this guy loves paramore and i like when hes in plug but gotdangit he is so moody sometimes. one day hes all hey man whats up and the next day i get the cold shoulder. i think he may have a personality disorder

smeenus - will not allow for a friendship, i think he still has a lot of unresolved anger. not sure why but i wanna i wanna talk sports with him since we both hate soccer and like nfl

whateverdude - i think we could get along if he lightened up a lil bit. now that herms gone maybe that will happen cause i feel she drags him down a lot\

roxy - *tips fedora* i would gladly wait in a monsoon for the chance to lay my many coats over rain puddles for her then i would open the passenger door to my car for her, we would go to dinner where i would open the door for her *after you, m'lady* and wine and dine her and if anyone said anythin rude to her i would fight them to the death to protect her honor. then we could go home and relax with some wine by the fireplace and after the sexual tension got too much i would toss my fedora aside and suck her toes until mind blowin orgasm occured. then we could go to bed on a temperpedic mattress to ensure a good sleep and i would cuddle with her so hard and wake her up with a massage and mcdonalds hot cakes w/ hashvbrowns

urban - never talked with this guy cause hes never in plug and i dont see him post often but he had a real attitude the other day in shoutbox which was unprovoked. my guess is he didnt understand the rapport i had with the ppl i was chattin with but i dunno whats up with him. but then again his name is HATEmonger so lol i guess he should be angry sometimes

exo - cool dude who should date junk donner. kaepernick cant pass for shiit tho bro and you know it!! lol

junk don - includin you here just so ppl can say im obsessed and creepy despite not postin anythin obsessive or creepy

powerstars - thought this guys name was pokerstars for a really long time lol but his journal is great, we like a lot of the same bands. loved his alternative music posts

bulbasaur - i am startin to appreciate him in plug

rezz - good guy to bullshiit about women with

vanilla - gave me 5 point infraction for 90s days so shes not on my good side anymore

stay tuned folks
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