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Old 01-11-2014, 05:11 PM   #13739 (permalink)
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Yeah, okay no. I have so many complaints about Her but I will only focus on a few of them.

Hell no it is not MY film of the year for 2013.

I hated Theodore so badly. He was so sensitive and a ball of emotions. He was basically a man child that hasn't learned to deal with his emotions properly over the years. There is one line in the movie that wrapped up how I felt. A friend of his at the office said "you are half man and half woman inside". I wanted to yell at the screen that he is all woman on the inside. He was a huge vagina in the worse of ways. I couldn't relate to him at all!!!

I understand the premise of the movie that with technology and social media we end up isolating ourselves and being locked into our own little worlds but I wanted to slap the **** out of Theodore for running away from reality and putting his life on hold to live out this fantasy with an AI.

The only bonus was the cinematography. I'm pretty sure everyone sitting in the theater with me was tired of hearing me groan loudly at the ridiculousness that I was watching on the screen.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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