Originally Posted by adidasss
em...haven't i admited on numerous occasion that i have no friends?...no real friends that is....that shit just happens, it doesn't have to mean you're weird or antisocial.....and it's certainly nothing to be ashamed of....i suggest you stop being such a judgmental bitch for once....ever since you came to this site you've been acting like you own it and you've been here for a month.....get off the high horse....
Do you think I'm being serious? I like ruffling peoples feathers, that's all.
I was joking about what I said to Spikey by the way! Did you notice the second part of the post was nice?
You're right there's nothing wrong not having a lot of friends.
If you knew me in person you'd know how very little I do judge. Everyone has their own quirky things about them, and that's what makes them unique!