^this and American Hustle are next on my list
that being said i got the two big ones out of the way
and that being said......i agree 1000000 % with Exoskeletal....the best movie of 2013 is Her and Inside Llewyn Davis
and that being said....i have to admit that when it comes to something that hits me so personally like both of these films did....i just can't express myself well in this format....i am by far a more "conversation" person than i am a writer
and that being said....i still think Nebraska easily is the greatest achievement in cinematography this year....although i could watch two hours of the car scenes alone from Inside Llewyn Davis....and i can't even begin to describe the art that was done with the filming of Her
i'm not gonna try and write something for either of these films...as Exoskeletal covered them perfectly without any spoilers
what i will say about both of them....is that both stuck with me in both good and bad ways (bad having to do with forcing me to reflect which of course = good....but in both cases sucks for me) and that i actually think that both of these films should be seen by everyone....whether they understand them or not....i think the major points of both will seep through
i cannot think of a single person on this website that would not in some way benefit from both of these pictures