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Old 01-08-2014, 01:51 PM   #786 (permalink)
DriveYourCarDownToTheSea's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Taxman View Post
Yeah, but ain't Pet Sounds songs have pretty complex chord progressions? I'm not an expert but figuring out the chords of God Only Knows was pretty hard.
Yes, that's true. I was speaking of Smile specifically. Brian deliberately made the chords simple, but masked it with complex arrangements.

Sort-of related, I was just listening to both You Still Believe in Me and Here, There and Everywhere and just realized the latter is practically a ripoff of the former. I know McCartney was imitating the BB's with that song, but now that I listen to them back-to-back it's almost a little *too* obvious.

And for reference:

Chords for You Still Believe in Me:
You Still Believe In Me Chords by Beach Boys @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

Chords for Here, There and Everywhere:
Here There Everywhere Chords by Beatles @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

EDIT: The major difference between the two songs is that Wilson writes the melody around descending scales while McCartney used ascending scales. Otherwise they're pretty similar.
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Beach Boys vs Beatles comparisons begin here

Last edited by DriveYourCarDownToTheSea; 01-08-2014 at 02:01 PM.
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