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Old 01-06-2014, 07:15 PM   #763 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Forward To Death View Post
Sure you don't prefer P-Funk of the two?

LOL just kidding. I had to do that. Sorry.

No but in all seriousness, I prefer the Beatles if only slightly. Both have some great albums, but when it came to the two groups branching out from their roots, I felt that the Beatles' later albums are much better. The Beach Boys have great vocal harmonies, and I like their style and everything, but I always found Pet Sounds a little overrated, and I felt like the Beatles did some things that were more unique on The White Album or Abbey Road, for example. Love the album, don't get me wrong, but I just don't think it was on the same level as some others seem to I guess.

In a nutshell, the Beatles' catalog when they were both active was much better IMO.

Actually... I do lol

R&B/Soul and Funk are my favorite genres and P-funk are definitly one of my favorite bands

You're right about the Beach Boys sound. Their songs are repetitive sounding but I think their sound is unique. I respect the Beatles my favorite is John Lennon. I love him! I love alot of his solo material. I like some of the Beatles material as well but they are not the "end all be all" of music to me and there are bands that I prefer over them. I always preferred The Rolling Stones. They were just more funkier to me lol
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