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Old 12-29-2013, 07:48 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post

1) Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs

Man... I really don't know what to say for this one. Honestly I tried to remain hopeful after the reveal that Frictional Games wasn't developing this one because I actually enjoyed thechineseroom's previous game, Dear Esther. I was even willing to accept them tossing the sanity meter because I always thought those were a bit silly and arbitrary. However I cannot say I was expecting for them to take the best thing to happen to the horror genre in YEARS and make it not scary. I was not expecting for them to ditch the resource management and still adamantly believe that had they kept that in the game I would have found it far scarier. There were only a handful of gameplay moments, with one in particular that was the closest thing to scared I ever got. I understand that they want everyone to be able to experience their story from beginning to end and not be barred off by being unable to complete the gameplay challenge, and I'll even admit that the actual story of Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs was quite well written and better than Amnesia: The Dark Descent, but I don't think it needed the Amnesia brand to be told. People go to Amnesia for a reason and I think A LOT of people left feeling disappointed by this one.
In all fairness, style of gameplay and the way you move around was similar to it's predecessor, so in that respect, I think it's alright for it to have the Amnesia title. However, I do agree that upon it's release, I was as well disappointed in hearing that the scare factor was no longer there. Surprisingly, I fell very moved with the story. It was easily one of the most fantastically written single player games i've played this year. The ending was very well done, which let's be honest...the first one was pretty shit.
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