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Old 12-28-2013, 02:02 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus View Post
This is one area that Portland utterly crushes Seattle, one of the best public transit systems in the US.

Although Seattle is better than some other cities. Sacramento was hands down the worst public transportation of any city I've been to (although that was 30 years ago, maybe it's gotten better). LA is terrible unless you are getting on AND off near the Metro Rail system. Bay Area has excellent public transportation. San Diego is meh. </westcoastbusservice>
I really hated the public transit system in Monterey. You'd pay them $2 to go a few miles, then they wouldn't even give you a transfer credit so you'd end up paying another $2 to take another bus to your destination. It just seems like a really unfortunate tourist convenience, and not actually something you'd want to use if you were a resident. They do have a trolley that runs around for free (but doesn't really go to any of the business districts) which is pretty cool, but the transit system itself is designed around tourists and military personnel.

I hear it's easier to get around in Seattle than it is to get around in the suburbs. Personally I'd be traveling from Tukwila to south Renton almost every night, and that was still off the mark from where I needed to be to safely get myself home at 11pm. Shit's just ridiculous. And they're still cutting lines and making revisions and all this other dumb shit. King Country Metro sucks.

Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
You are lucky to have your bus run til 6pm. We have a similar 3 lines system but it is really two. One line just goes across the bridge to the train station. The train that heads down to NYC. The bus stops at 5pm weekdays and 3pm on Saturday. Idk how anyone working retail gets by with this **** system.
It sounds like those lines practically revolve around business people, who probably drive BMWs and Mercedes Benz and don't have any need for the transit system. It's like these people don't even know their customers.
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