Apocalypse Culture I and II edited by Adam Parfrey
(Feral House, 1987 and 2000)
Trying to cover everything found in these two books is impossible and no review I give could do them justice. These have to be read to be truly appreciated but I will do my best to convince you of it. A lot of the people, organizations and places I learned about for the first time, I read in the pages of these books. Parfrey has thrown together disparate writings on virtually every controversial subject under the sun. Some are scholarly works such as John Zerzan’s superb article
Agriculture: Demon Engine of Civilization to his
The Case Against Art to Eugenics as a lost science written by Parfrey to David Paul’s
Man is a Machine.
One of my favorite articles is from Book I entitled
The Cereal Box Conspiracy Against the Developing Mind by Michelle Handelman and avant-garde musician Monte Cazazza. The article states that young children “are to have a tv show, a top movie, a record album, a video game, and a toy doll to accompany their eating experience.” Since this article was written in the 80s, the language seems a bit archaic but the thrust of it as pertinent as ever. In the 80s, the most harmful foodstuffs were processed, today the most harmful are processed like a motherf-ucker. Yesterday, the corn in your cornflakes may have been worthless being so processed but at least it was real corn. Today, it’s all GMO corn so it’s worthless from the git-go.
The worst of the foodstuffs are breakfast cereals for young children. They are utterly worthless as nutritional commodities but are designed to be cartoon friends to the kids in a deliberately non-tangible way in order to create an emptiness in children that they will seek to fill up with cereal. The cereals are designed to appeal to children in their oral and anal stages and so the boxes are designed to have open, happy mouths ready to receive large, oh-so-yummy, heaping spoonfuls are stuff that resemble…well…feces.
To the anal-expulsive tot, images of s-hit are subconsciously welcome sights. They represent a good bowel movement that, if nothing else, makes mommy happy. The cereal is often shown shooting or hopping or zinging about or splashing into the bowl and this, of course, symbolizes the acting of s-hitting, of expelling.

In this image, notice how the corn pops (formerly sugar pops) are popping out of an “O”. This represents the loosening of the sphincter muscle and the expulsion of yellowish-brownish blobs from the anus which then dutifully plop into the toilet bowl.
This ties in with an article in Book II entitled “Brown Magic.” As we have seen from the Black Magic tomes already reviewed, fecal matter is considered a powerful magical agent. The greatest alchemists as Paracelsus intensely studied feces to learn the secrets of “putrefactive fermentation.” This led to a branch of study called scatology. In 1696, Paullini gathered together all the treatments he could find that used feces and assembled a comprehensive book on the subject,
New and Improved Healing Filth-Apothecary. In this book, s-hit was found to be a healing agent for virtually every ailment.
In the Middle Ages, people routinely ingested, rubbed on their bodies or carried about with them the feces of an animal with a property they wished to possess or increase. Ingesting bulls-hit was said to make a man more potent. Rubbing falcon s-hit on the eyes was said to increase the sharpness of ones sight. Someone wishing to remain youthful would ingest the s-hit of a young boy or girl. Carrying rabbit feces in a little pouch was believed to increase a woman’s fecundity. In the 19th century, the Dalai Lama’s dump was considered so sacred that it was formed into amulets to be worn around the neck or pills to be ingested.
Aleister Crowley believed a woman’s feces was sacred in his sex magick ritual where the man and woman would have sex. During the course of orgasm, she would evacuate and the man would swallow it in an ecstatic fit.
Carl Jung’s interest in alchemy stemmed in part from a dream he had as a 12-year-old lad in which he saw God take a huge s-hit and it fell from the heavens to the earth and crushed the church.
S-hitting was central to the Christian understanding of Jesus. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries, various Christian schools would argue over the nature of Jesus—was he human or god? The question was termed this way: Did Jesus ever take a s-hit? If so, was it just for the sake of appearances or did he really have to go? Corruption cannot coexist in one body with divinity, they said, so if Jesus dumped, he was human. Others said that, yes, Jesus dumped but it was just to be of human-like appearance. Still others said, no, Jesus did not ever pinch a loaf. But, said their critics, the gospels tell us of Jesus eating and drinking, the stuff had to go somewhere, he didn’t just fill up with food. The response was that Jesus was divine so the food upon being swallowed just slipped into a kind of never-never land and so was never to be digested and hence Jesus did not lay brick. But others said that corruption and divinity could exist in one body because divinity can do anything and so Jesus could be divine and still have a bowel movement or perhaps it was even divine doody. I don’t think Christians have ever resolved the Big, Brown Question and probably never will. For those who doubt any of this, bear in mind that the planet Uranus comes from the Roman god of the sky, Ouranus, which is derived from the Greek
ourow which in English is “urine.” In Ancient Rome, the word for heaven and chamber-pot were the same. So you see, cleanliness is NOT next to godliness.
There are two particularly disturbing articles in Book II—
Pedophilia and the Morally Righteous by Chris Campion and
Prime Time by Peter Sotos. Campion’s piece is a defense of Thomas Watt Hamilton, a pedophile who murdered 16 schoolchildren between 6 and 7 years of age in Dunblaine, Scotland in 1996. The article states that Hamilton carried on an ancient tradition (the article stops just short of saying an ancient and honorable tradition) of pedophilia. The article doesn’t defend the killings but only that Hamilton was driven to it by a society that made him an outcast for being a pedophile.
Campion writes:
“That this ‘slaughter of innocents’ occurred in a school gymnasium is no mere coincidence. Two and a half thousand years ago, at the height of Greek culture, the gymnasium (from the Greek
gymnos meaning naked) was the epicenter of intellectual and erotic energy. There, men and boys would engage in the pederastic pursuits of loving, learning and Olympic sports, during which the youth performed unclothed for the unadulterated pleasure of their teachers.”
Campion compares this to today where he claims the pedophile is misunderstood and mischaracterized as a psychopathic baby-raper and child molester. But, he points, out pedophilia has its roots in prehistoric culture as demonstrated by the Sambia tribe of New Guinea where, he claims, male children by age seven are taken away from their mothers to live exclusively among older males. The boys are taught to perform fallatio on the “elders” to prepare them for manhood. He also cites Aristotle’s account of King Minos of Crete who instituted pederasty as a form of population control. From Crete, it went to Greece where it found enthusiastic support among such notables as Plato (and hence the term “platonic relationship”). There is also the story of Zeus and the youth Ganymede with whom Zeus had a “platonic” relationship naming the boy as his consort and cup-bearer.
Campion’s contention appears to be that as long as pedophiles (the people with the long history of “platonic” contact) continue to be lumped in with true molesters and rapists, “society will get the devil it deserves.”
Soto’s article doesn’t try to couch pedophilia into something less horrible than child rape. It talks about child rape with complete frankness:
“Have you ever masturbated with child pornography?
“ The way one is meant to? For the reason it was created? The difficulty in obtaining it, the dangers of even owning it, the sickness one has to trundle through to come to one small, barely realized desire.
“With a f-ucking magazine. The manufactured and professionally reproduced and planned issues like the European
INCEST 4. The only one the police took from me.
“Or with videos. Or with five-minute 8 mm films. The way I did when I was younger. The kind I used to buy from a f-aggot pedophile out of his gold coast basement in Chicago. Who I met while pursuing a entirely different form of entertainment.”
“It’s just one small part of one small girl. In a high-contrast black and white snap done in extreme close-up. And if it didn’t look so small next to the fat fingertips and stretched so tightly painfully barely open, one could argue that it could be anything. Anything like some adult fresh out of illegality, shaved and trimmed and short for her porn star by-the-piece peroxide age. But this shot. In its violence. Is unequivocal.”
“A tiny baby held upside down. Between two large hairy arms and meaty hands clasping its delicate toddler shoulders and head aimings its tiny naked cold c-unt spread towards the beast’s ugly thick semi-flaccid cock very close to where penetration would be a screaming killing rape. Less than a girl, this one. Too young to know anything. Too young to take in anything but the spin. Far too young to f-uck even beyond this particular pose unless one’s customers, like me, are primarily interested in buying filth that proves death and pain. I’d like to see her head nailed to a f-ucking board afterwards. When the frustration gives way from cock to coke bottle.”
Yes, it’s pretty brutal stuff. There are articles on white supremacy, interviews with psychopaths as well as cool article as
Who Rules Over the Earth? The Archetype of the World Ruler and the Work of Universal Regeneration by Tim O’Neill and
The Call to Chaos: From Adam to Atom by Way of the Jornada del Muerto by James Shelby Downard. I’m not sure how many of the
Apocalypse Culture installments there might be. I have these two. If there isn’t a third, there needs to be. Definitely Black Books—get you some.