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Old 12-21-2013, 01:16 PM   #165 (permalink)
Franco Pepe Kalle
Mwana Nzala
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Shakopee, Minnesota
Posts: 627

Originally Posted by Ki View Post
Member of the Year
Trollheart. The dude is nice, gives great contributions to the forum and is a good forum friend of mine (but that's not why i'm voting for him).

Journal of the Year:

Best Music Contributor
Unknown Soldier. Has a vast knowledge of multiple bands and genres.

Most diverse music taste
Goofle11. Love his taste, even though most of what he listens to is stuff i've never heard of. Runner up would be Ninetales.

Most mainstream music taste
djchameleon. Not in the bad sense of the word obviously

Lounge Lizard of the Year
Sansa Stark. Can be funny as hell or can be not funny at all.

Most Intelligent Poster
bob. I love reading his posts.

Biggest Troll
Rezzdaddy Longlegs. Just the name alone is worthy of biggest troll. Funny as **** and has the best inventory of GIF's.

Worst Debater
butthead aka 216. Learn some English, man.

Least Intelligent Poster
Franco Pepp Kalle.

Member You'd Most Like to Meet in Real Life
Trollheart. I feel we could just chill all day listening to prog.

Moderator of the Year
Burning Down. I feel she does a fantastic job at keeping things calm and collected and under control. Definitely would not think she was a moderator if the names didn't signify it. I mean that in a good way. Means you don't let your mod powers get to your head.

New Member of the Year
Mr. Charlie. Fantastic sense of humor. Great taste in music. Glad he's still around.

Best Thread of the Year

Best Writer
Loathsome Pete. The guy could convince me that a game made of horse **** was amazing. Love that we share a common interest in indie games. We'll play online sometime.

Lifetime Achievement Award
Trollheart. The journal section would not be as active as it is right now if it wasn't for him. He brought a new light to a dusty wasteland.
KI, you are a unique character.
The problem with Franco Pepe Kalle is that he is a unpredictable character. There is surprising info about this man. You think he only likes Franco and Pepe Kalle but when you find out that he hears other artists, you are shock.

Girls are the sexy thing that God created.

Important to notice FPK.
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