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Old 12-16-2013, 05:51 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Orchestra Of Wolves 2007

Gallows first full length release. There are many different versions of this album, but I am going to cover the one distributed by Epitaph Records in the North America.A good solid hardcore album, nothing spectacular at this point. There is some melodic dischord that I'm not to big on. The off tempo beat of "just because you sleep with me doesn't mean your safe" doesn't thrill me, but that's just my own personal taste. I also find the album to be a little old school in terms of heaviness, with a song like Abandon Ship having a slight pop tinge to it that was prevalent amongst melodic hardcore bands during this time. Belly of a Shark of course is the most notable track off this album, but I also like Black Hearted Queen, as it features one of the time honored traditions of British Hardcore in its intro; the Tom-tom drum beat. The tom tom drum beat harkens back to the days of Chaos UK & the Exploited, and is most notably memorable as the intro to Metallica's Whiplash song. Another good track on the album that I don't believe is on the UK release, is the cover of Black Flag's Nervous Breakdown, when the band had an even greater singer than Henry my opinion anyways.

Anyways I'll go thumbs up *** stars

In The Belly Of A Shark

black heart queen

nervous breakdown

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 12-17-2013 at 07:37 PM.
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