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Old 12-14-2013, 11:50 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I will be covering Gallows up to the release of Grey Britain, after Frank Carter left they became a different band, nothing against Wade McNeil, but the choice to go with a North American singer has significantly altered their sound, even if the musicianship and attitude remains the same.

Limited Edition 2005 (Demo)

It seems to be a trend these days to release a band's demo work once they hit it big, and Gallows is no different. I don't know if it was mutual decision with a record company to cash in (nothing wrong there), but it was released so I'll quickly cover it.

I'm at a bit of a disadvantage here as I don't own the album, and one of the tracks "the ballad of..." is extremely hard to come by for download, I'm still on standby for it, which could take sometime. At this point Steph Carter hadn't joined the band but the their sound is solid. You can tell from the get go that this isn't your average hardcore band. However I simply can't rate the album without having all the tracks, so here is one that would not be featured on Orchestra of Wolves.

swarm over death

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