People who I don't know that try to start a conversation with mentioning the weather. There's one Red Lorry Yellow Lorry lyric I will live forever with, although I'm sure it's a bit of a misinterpretation- "I'm so sick to the skin, you wanna talk about the weather!" Yes, that's the song that plays through my mind when I meet someone who does.
Here's something for this time of year and the thoughts that run through my mind before I play polite...
"Cold, isn't it?"
NO!!!!! Let's go to Surf City, alright? I'm dancing with Mr. D right here in the 7'th Level of Hell! I'm jamming with Jimmy Buffett in Margarita-ville! Like Madonna, I'm burning up!!! Like Springsteen, I'm on fire!!! As Billy Idol said, it's Hot in the City Tonight!!!
YEAH, IT'S COLD!!! STFU!!!!!!!!! By the way, I'm seriously protected with a couple of snazzy layers of clothing including a kick ass heavy duty sweater I got for only a couple of dollars at a thrift shop, a nice hat, and Thinsulate gloves plus drink plenty of Orange Juice, so I'm feeling very swell, thank you very much!
I'm possibly more protected than most of the idiots who ask such dumb questions!
Last edited by Screen13; 12-12-2013 at 02:00 PM.