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Old 12-08-2013, 10:19 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Livin in Exile 1999

One of the great things about hardcore is that traditionally each region has its own distinct cultural sound. (ie NYHC, British Hardcore, Cali ect) Although this is changing somewhat with the internet and the corporate rock clones of metalcore, Rob Lind's thick east coast accent & the bands musical style is a good example of this as per the intro to this album.

No Tomorrow

As for the album itself, a bit short, but a good solid slab of three chord punk rock, including a cover of Motorhead's Ace of Spades, not as good as the original of course, but still worth the listen. Anyways *** stars thumbs up.

Livin in exile

The intro is a bit over the top, but a good punk tribute to a great band

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