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Old 12-03-2013, 09:22 PM   #8 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: freely swimmin thru the waters of glory much like a majestic bald eagle soars thru the skies
Posts: 1,463

wow great jjob exo!!


Member of the Year: trollheart - just all around the best member and its not close
Journal of the Year:
Best Music Contributor
Best Music Taste: whitelake just cause of plug
Best Plug DJ Contributor: whitelake - hes a beast in plug
Most diverse music taste: engine - runaway winner for me
Most mainstream music taste:
Worst music taste: guitarbizaerre - prog garbage
Lounge Lizard of the Year: batty - was close between him and rezz but batty won the coin toss
Best Shoutboxer: rezz - could win every award
Most Intelligent Poster: batlord - ummm i dunno hes funny lol and makes sense with stuff
Best Debater:
Biggest Troll: hip hop bunny hop has been missing in action but hes the biggest. i dont consider batty and rezz real trols
Worst Debater: sansa - embarasses herself often
Least Intelligent Poster: sansa - see above
Hottest Male: butthead aka 216 - very sexy
Hottest Female: circe girls can submit nudes to me by jan 1st to change this vote but circe got them dsl's
Member who looks least like you imagined: paul smeemus now its obvious but at first i didnt think he was a walrus
Member You'd Most Like to Meet in Real Life: rezz - cool brah, similiar in age, likes sports. could see us havin a beer
Member You'd Least Like to Meet in Real Life: sansa/arya - losers
Moderator of the Year: burning down - seems to be most active mod. most arent ever around. she holdin the ship down
New Member of the Year: larehip - like his style tho he can be a nut lol
Howard the Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member: larehip very off the wall tho
Best Thread of the Year
Nicest Member of the Year: neo dude is a sweetiepie
Angriest Member of the Year: smeemus lol - like legit anger problems that need taken care of asap in real life, i pray for him at times
Best Writer: norg 0 lovely style
Biggest Contributor: trollheart - is this a serious question?? not even close
Lifetime Achievement Award: trollheart again not close
Best Music Banter Quote of the Year:
Best/Most Shocking/Oddest/LOL Music Banter Moment of the Year[/QUOTE]

will add some more later after much personal debate and research has been completed

Last edited by butthead aka 216; 12-03-2013 at 10:58 PM.
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