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Old 12-02-2013, 06:21 PM   #9 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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Thanks! According to my research notes via a list of Grande shows, the Pentangle concert you might have saw was with Savoy Brown and The Sun on 7/5/69
That must have been it. Christ, was I that young? I went with my older brother who had a young folkie in training.

Radios in Motion, brought over from WDTE (Public Radio).
WDET--NPR 101.9FM Still operating.

There was at least one song CK played in '81 that stood out, but it was mainly on their survey show through being #1 (for a few weeks!) in Detroit - Kraftwerk's "Pocket Calculator". They also had a Big Band era around '84-5 if I recall (recoil in horror!).
I had been listening to Kraftwerk for some years by '81 (saw them twice) and by '84 I was already in the service and listening to punk.

Everyone in Detroit from the 60s and 70s knows Funkadelic. Hell, I saw them Robin Seymour's Swingin Time once. Everybody had Maggot Brain. I used to see George Clinton all the time at the Disc Recording Studio (still operating) in the 90s when I was an RID student interning there. Good guy. Underrated innovator.
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