Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth
Since the skin and hair are not depicted, I can only assume that what you're saying is that only black people have wide short noses and full lips. In which case you'd be wrong.

Errrr...I'm not sure what your point is here. These people are classified as NEGROID. Indians are NOT nor have they EVER been a single race. Some are Caucasoid, some are Mongoloid and some are Negroid. These are Negroid. That means they are NOT descended from the same people as the ones we classify as Caucasoid or Mongoloid. They have a different origin. I believe that origin is the South Seas.
The Ache tribe of Paraguay are classified as Caucasoid. They are clearly not the same people depicted in the Olmec heads.

Eskimos, Inuits and Aleuts are classified as Mongoloid. Clearly they do not resemble the Olmec heads. They are not even considered Indians.

Mexican Indian classified as Negroid. She could certainly be descended from the Olmecs.

Australoids who bear a genetic kinship with a branch of Dravidians from India.

Dravidian from India classified as Negroid.

Melanesian man.

Samoan men. Samoans are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia.
Since Polynesian peoples occupy Easter Island, their migration to the New World is not at all wild speculation. If they keep going east, they'd hit South America. There is no reason to believe they didn't keep going. I believe the Olmecs were these people or descended from these people or descended from common ancestors or interbred with these people. Their descendants are found all over North America, Mexico, South and Central America today. But they were originally Negroid people from the South Seas.
The sweet potato is native to the Americas but was found by Europeans in the South Seas and it is believed that it arrived there about 700 AD. It is untenable that it could have floated there on ocean currents. In fact, the word for sweet potato is similar between Polynesian groups and South American Indians as is the word for stone axe.
Two studies have shown certain American Indian genetic strains are also found on Easter Island and that this occurred prior to Columbus.