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Old 11-28-2013, 09:03 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lord Larehip View Post
There is no such stylizing of the Olmec heads.
How do you know? I mean ... sure, there might have been some Africans who made their way to Central America way back then. But you can't automatically assume that. It could be that these statues feature stylized/exaggerated facial features of certain Indians back then, which happen to resemble Africans. Personally knowing at least a couple American Indians in my own job who sort-of resemble people in these statues, it's not hard for me to imagine that some Indian sculptor could, in a burst of imagination, exaggerate and stylize their features to come up with something just like those statues.

You'd need a whole bunch of other evidence that Africans made their way to Central America (before the Europeans came) in order to conclude that those statues are anything other than a coincidence. Coincidences do happen.
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