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Old 11-26-2013, 10:03 PM   #548 (permalink)
Dude... What?
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Join Date: Oct 2013
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I made a poached quince with whiskey sauce and toasted almonds for myself tonight. I was feeling fancy, but it only cost me about 4$.

Never had quince, never heard of quince, but they were on sale at safeway for like 5/2$ and they smelled nice so I bought some. Had to learn the hard way that they are ****ING TERRIBLE EATEN RAW JESUS CHRIST IT WAS SO BAD.

Lesson learned, after some research I found that they take about a half hour (or until they turn red) of being poached before being palatable. Whoops.

Stuff (for one person):

1 quince
Peels from a small lemon and equal amount peels from an orange
1 small stick of cinnamon
A couple cloves, a bit of shredded ginger, allspice seeds
brown sugar
a couple peeled and crushed almonds

What to do:

You peel the fruit, core the fruit, and cut it into 6ths. Put the spices in a cheesecloth or tea diffuser and when the water is boiling plop um in there with the cinnamon stick, orange and lemon peels. Reduce to a mild simmer and let it sit for a bit until you can really smell everything and then throw in your fruit. The more fragrant the fruit is the less sugar you'll need. Throw the sugar on top of the fruit, throw in an equal amount amount of whiskey over the sugar and let it simmer until it's tender. It may or may not turn a slight reddish color but if it's tender you're good to go.

Right, so plate your quince, remove the cheese cloth/diffusers/cinnamon sticks and bring your simmer up to a boil and reduce the liquid until you've got the consistency you want while heating up a pan for the almonds. When you've got the right consistency, throw your almonds in the pan with a little brown sugar and stir until gold brown. Throw um next to yer quince all pretty like and drizzle your delicious sauce all over it.
I spit bullets in my feet
Every time I speak
So I write instead
And still people want me dead
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