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Old 11-25-2013, 04:40 PM   #23 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
It's a National Historic Landmark. It's not being hidden and it's not going to be "paved over with a strip mall".
I never said it was going to be paved over. It better not be. I said it was by some miracle that it hasn't been paved over with a strip mall. Most of these ancient land sculptures are gone. Here in Michigan, we once had cataloged over 1100 mounds. A major thoroughfare near where I live is called "Mound Road" because of all the mounds it passed near. How many mounds do you see driving down Mound Road today? None. Absolutely none. Lots of strip malls, though.

As for Serpent Mound being a national landmark--great, so what? I never said it was unknown to people in general. I said that I doubted most people here at this forum had ever heard of it before now. Landmark or no, it's still a park run by the Ohio Historical Society:

Visiting Serpent Mound - Ancient Earthworks Site in Peebles, Ohio

I think science would like it to remain a park rather than conduct any serious study because of the fear that such a study will up-end the myth that in 12,000 BCE, Asian nomads came across a land bridge now called the Aleutian Islands and populated the New World and became known as Indians. Questioning this falsehood has nothing to do with science and everything to do with money--funding to be exact.

Did you know that there have been a number of relics recovered from the Serpent Mound in the 19th century and that they were taken to Boston and that they are still locked up in Boston museums whose trustees have refused to return them even at the request of the native Indian tribes in Ohio?

In the 19th century, there was a fear by academia that many of the Indian tribes were, in fact, white people rather than the barbarous, dark-skinned savages that the white settlers were taught to fear and hate. The Mandan Indians were often amazingly white in appearance:

Their language was discovered to be strikingly close to Gaelic or Welsh and the weave of the clothing worn by the females was identical to that worn by the Nordic women of Europe. Unlike the other plains Indians, the Mandans lived in earth lodges and the women tended their gardens. Strangely, they arranged their lodges in rows with wide paths between that resembled streets. In fact, the architectural style of their lodges were not used by any other tribes but is rather close to that used in Norway. President Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to Meriwether Lewis (of the Lewis and Clark expedition) dated January 22, 1804 where directs him to make contact with the Indian tribe rumored to white with blue eyes. He meant the Mandans and the expedition had extensive contact with them. When artist and lawyer, George Catlin, set off to meet the Mandan, he spoke to William Clark who was, by then, a governor. According to Catlin, Clark said the Mandan were "a strange people and half-white."

So what, you say? The problem for 19th century white American academia was that they were afraid that if the basic populace saw how white some of the Indian tribes were, there might be less of a will to slaughter and disenfranchise them of their land and there went your railroads, factories and other business enterprises that promised fabulous riches to those who needed only to remove the indigenous peoples sitting in their way. In fact, the Mandans even came to be known as "the White Indians" and the "Welsh Indians."

How to get rid of them without causing an outcry? Simple--the govt issued them blankets and tools infested with smallpox and the like. They were decimated in no time flat. Here's how the Encyclopedia Britannica describes this biological warfare genocide:

In 1750 there were nine large Mandan villages, but recurrent epidemics of smallpox, pertussis (whooping cough), and other diseases introduced through colonization reduced the tribe to two villages by 1800. In 1837 another smallpox epidemic left only 100 to 150 Mandan survivors.

Science still refuses to admit that the Olmec stone heads in Mexico are depictions of "Negroes." Some take a tactful turn and say that these cannot be the heads of Ancient Egyptians. I personally don't care if they are Egyptian or not but these ARE the heads of "Negroes":

The problem for scientists and researchers is that if they don't toe the party line, they don't get funding or grants or awarded prestigious positions at prestigious universities. How far does this chicanery go?

Here is the mummy science tells us is that of Ramses II, perhaps the greatest of all the pharaohs:

Here is an artist's rendering of what he would have looked like in life based on the mummy:

Here is what the Ancient Egyptians themselves say he looked like:

Look at ANY statue of Ramses II and you can't help but admit, he doesn't look anything like this mummy. And many of these statues were carved during his reign. You would think that they'd at least gotten the nose right since the mummy has a very distinctive nose. Clearly, this not the same person.

And that makes me think of something else. Science tells us that the pyramids were nothing more than "huge tombs." One guy I argued with on the internet even used that very phrase when I told him they were astronomically aligned (which they obviously are). "Baloney!" he said, "They are nothing but huge tombs." So I asked him to show me a single mummy found in ANY Egyptian pyramid--ANY AT ALL. He couldn't but still wouldn't budge from his position but it was clear that prior to doing a search, he thought they had found mummies in pyramids and that was the basis for calling them tombs. There is NO BASIS AT ALL! No Egyptian pyramid has ever yielded up even a trace of a mummy--none whatsoever.

If we assert that they were stolen by grave robbers, we have to assert ALL of them were robbed which is not likely but, even more to the point, why wasn't Ramses II's mummy stolen? They stole mummies of far lesser known pharaohs but left behind the greatest of them all??

It's the emperor's new clothes. They all oo and ah over this mummy and none has the courage or sense to say that it cannot be him. That might piss off some influential academics who could easily ruin your career and no doubt it will.

Last edited by Lord Larehip; 11-27-2013 at 07:42 PM.
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