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Thread: Spanish Music
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Old 11-19-2013, 03:55 PM   #115 (permalink)
El Intercambio
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Malaga, Spain
Posts: 3
Default Andalucia - A melting pot of styles

Hi everybody, I live in the South of Spain, and follow the music scene here in Andalucia.
The region boasts a great number of bands and artists representing every genre imaginary, but a big factor in much of the music here is a particular Andalucian flavour which runs through the music whether it be heavy metal, jazz, folk, soul, rap or funk. In many tracks you can also detect a hint of the east reflecting the regions 800 years of Moorish influence among others.
Another interesting fact is that many bands write and perform in English despite having all Spanish lineups, depending on which market they are aiming at.
I'd like to use this forum over the coming months to give you the heads up on some great bands (at least I think they are) and would welcome your opinions and feedback:

Guadalupe Plata (Dirty blues with a sinister edge)

Pony Bravo Psychadelia/Blues/Flamenco/Copla fusion

Jammin' Dose Funk (mostly English vocals)

Trashtucada Ska/Funk/Reggae/Flamenco fusion

Let me know what you think, and I'll give you another bunch later in the week.
Many thanks

Trashtucada Ska/Funk/Reggae/Flamenco fusion
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