Originally Posted by djchameleon
I figured that. I went looking in the Journals for your first posts but they weren't there.
Probably got moved/deleted when Big3 was messing with the Journal area.
OK. If you're looking for my 2008 posts you won't find them. I think I related before the story of how I started a journal, got pissed off with smart comments in it, depressed that nobody really seemed to like my music or really comment without being snide, left, rejoined in 2011 after being made redundant/taking voluntary redundancy (hence the "resurrected" part in the title of my main journal) and by then the original journal had vanished never to be seen again. Too old I guess. I asked Jansz if he had a copy but he couldn't find it, something about someone accidentally erasing a load of logs?
So basically my first ever post in Trollheart Mark II if you like is post 1 in The Playlist of Life.
Aren't you glad now you know all that?