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Old 11-14-2013, 06:54 PM   #2949 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: The Eyrie, Vale of Arryn, Westeros
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
Thanks. It's funny that you say that because last week a friend of mines was saying that the only guys she talks to on Facebook are gay. I was like "wtf what about me?" She caught herself a little bit later and said oh yeah besides you. So I get that I give off that vibe. Doesn't bother me. I still take it as a compliment.

It is a compliment, like I said you're more like a girlfriend in the fact that I can be candid with you without you thinking I want your dick and dudes really have a problem with that with me. I just am candid with pretty much everyone and don't hold back and dudes take it weirdly

Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner View Post
Yeah dude, all of this. Additionally, yes, we get it, you do drugs. Congratulations. It's not nearly as impressive as you think it is. You want to be an astrophysicist or some **** but said you've nearly failed out of high school... either you're completely disillusioned about what kind of work ethic is involved in that course of study or you're lying.

You're not unique. You sound like every other teenager experimenting with drugs and trying to "find themselves." You're not edgy. Nearly everything I've seen you say is a regurgitation. What you are is self righteous and sorry for yourself, and I suspect you embellish a lot of your experiences.

In short, stop trying so hard to impress people and don't be such a dick. Come up with your own ideas.

Trust me you'll be happier once you discover how much of a high being kind is tbh
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