I'm actually listening to Em now, just a mixture of tracks off different albums, i found his album on the internet about a week ago and i still haven't listened to it all, I've listened to some of it, some of the songs are alright, but just alright, in my opinion he's no where near as good as he use to be, his underground stuff, his 1st 3 studio albums and what he did with D12 was brilliant, but i stopped following him when he bought out Encore, i didn't think much to that, except the odd track was alright, then i got back into him a bit when i heard relapse/refill and recovery, but most of his songs nowadays just aren't as memorable as his older stuff, and his rhyming has gone off track as well, i use to think he was amazing at rhyming, one of the best, but now i'd say he's far from the top spot like the way i use to see him, i won't slag him off to much though, its talent that he can still carry it on chucking about 15 to 20 songs on each album.