ppl who i kno dislike me but i like some things about them:
trollhert - great poster love his upbeat attitude and his sense of humor is so different yet i do enjoy it
junk donner - mainly cause of her plug choices. can be cute or anoyin when she and exo are flirtin, depends on my mood i guess lol
smeenus - still like dudes mustache
other ppl:
manky - similar interest musically but dudes chlamydia has infected his brain to the point he can no longer function. hes become arrogant and easily annoyed. typical college guy i guess lol
batlord - still crackin out hilarity on a daily basis
mondo - sometme like him sometimes dont. do more after talkin in plug. always down to plug tho which is sweet athouhhg im not always a fan of his tunes
neo - he my homie, love when hes in plug cause dude gets it
pedestrian - knows whats up when in plug, cool music choices
sansa - nauseatin every way i can imagine
chameleon - never know what to think of dude, sometimes hes chill other times seems like hes lookin for a fight or somethin
benteke - wheres dude been lately
rez - has come to a point in his life where bros are now after hoes. hopin he can break free from the chains of the itnernet and live a real life and come back to tell us all what its really like someday
all i can think of off the top of the dome, stay tuned folks