I'm super frugal in most ways. I scrape/lick out tubs of foodstuff, wear my clothes 'til they're threadbare, wear my shoes 'til they're literally falling apart, will eat mouldy and out of date food rather than throw it away, don't put the heating on until I can see my breath. Thankfully nature blessed me with a fine constitution and so I can get away with eating mouldy food and living in the cold and still feel fine.
As for unwanted and little used purchases like CDs, games, books, etc., I sell it all on eBay.
What I do waste, unfortunately, is electricity, and lots of it. My hi-fi system in pretty high end and sounds best when warmed up for a while, so rather than turning it off when it's not in use, I leave it constantly powered on. Worse, it's hooked up to a mains conditioner that outputs 4,600 watts continuous power with 23,000 watts transient ability. Not very green at all, and a source of some guilt.