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Old 11-11-2013, 04:35 PM   #2933 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: The Eyrie, Vale of Arryn, Westeros
Posts: 3,234

I'm bored:

Ladyislingering & Ki too I guess - Awesome chick. I think its kinda funny how Ki is now nice to me since she likes me, lmao. Honestly I don't care though, girl has been through a shit tonne of awfulness with men and clearly he makes her happy so I won't hold whatever silly shit he's said to me/about me against him since clearly it doesn't speak entirely for his character.

Manky - He's hot, he's funny, he's smart & he's Scottish. Also he's actually a really great friend and person to talk to. I feel comfortable talking to him about pretty much anything, and clearly underneath the trolly exterior he's very kind and caring. Sorry if I blew your cover bro

JD/Gunnels - Hottest dude on mb, also one of the sweetest people on here. I feel like he's physically incapable of meanness.

Briks - putrid sense of humour and inescapably young.

Mondo - I changed my mind about him. Ceaselessly patronising to people who've lived a lot harder than he has, and acts like he lives some sort of rough and tumble existence and everyone is SOOooooo dumb compared to him. Yawn. Get over yourself.

Dulce..... my feelings about her can be summed up in this gif:

Mr Charlie - I'm not really sure about him but he seems okay.

Rjinn - I miss her, I feel like she never posts anymore. She's so gorgeous and bad ass.

Andrei/DJ - DJ is probably one of the queerest straight men I know, and I mean that in a good way. He's a lot like a girl friend in the way that he's loyal and will **** on anyone who's mean to his friends and he is great to talk to and has a great sense of humour and knowledge of pop culture.

Surell - MY DUDE!!! Probably made the best Spill Your Guts post about me since Rickenbacker's

That's all for now
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