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Old 11-07-2013, 01:58 PM   #13617 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
Ender's Game
Oh yeah I saw that the other day too. I thought it was good but not great (better than what I thought tho). It was really nice to look at. The battle room was done much better than i could have imagined. But like you said the pace was much faster than the book, and I do get why they had to do it that way but i digress. The dialogue during the movie tho.. oof some parts were hard to watch (the beginning of the movie was cringe worthy and i was so nervous watching it thinking this is how its all gonna be). And I didnt really think Bonzo was that good tbh :\ he wasnt intimidating at all and he just sort of blurted out highschool bully cliches all movie. Asa as good an Ender as you could find tho. Oh and I was deeply saddened by the fact that Bean was almost completely ignored in this and replaced with Petra (wtf??). Bean was my fav character in the book although that might be skewed by Enders Shadow but still..

The more I think about it, the more i pick apart haha but for the most part i did enjoy the film. It's a tough one to make since most of the book was in Ender's head.
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