i guess i get to be the first one.....
Ender's Game
let me first say that by the end of the movie i actually really liked it....for what it is
what is it?
it's a very fast paced film based off of a very slow paced character driven novel
it felt more based of of the "cliff notes" rather than the book....but in all honesty this was not necessarily a bad thing....it was like giving up the deep characters and psychology for a fast paced action sci fi film....
which really makes sense....i'm not saying that the most important character is not well written and very well played here....after all this is Ender's story....Ender himself is very developed....but the film is very fast....and is...much like the book in three acts....there is very little battle school here with a little more concentration on command school (which will really only mean anything to anyone who has read the book)....in all honesty for the film version to work....i felt this was a good call
all of the important moments of the book are represented in the film very well....but again....it's very fast paced
i have to admit that i went into this ready to come out fighting....and i feel that this is really about as good as they can do when trying to transfer such a word dependent book into an enjoyable film
and they did leave in what i feel is the most important part of the book....the "Giant" game
plot and translation aside...the movie is gorgeous....the battle room scenes...although few and far between....are spot on and absolutely thrilling
all performances are spot on....with high points awarded to Asa Butterfield (Ender) and Moises Arias (Bonzo)
and i feel that had i not already known the outcome i would have been emotional....or at least more emotional at the end
also i've now seen ALL of Smaug in the theater....cannot wait for December 13th